Boulangerie Hotel Karel


Hertogstraat 40
6828 EV Arnhem

+31 (0)26 303 38 51

Opening hours boulangerie

Thursday to Sunday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
No reservations possible.

Opening hours hotel

Open 7 days a week. Check-in is available from 2:00 PM.

Frequently asked


The Boulangerie is open every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 08:00 to 14:00.

It is not possibl to reserve bread in advance. However, for special occasions like birthdays, you can pre-order cakes and other treats.


Check-in is available daily from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. If you’ll arrive later, please let us know as soon as possible. Check-in after 10:00 PM is not possible.

The regular check-out time is 11:00 AM. If you wish to stay longer, you can book a late check-out. Please ask in advance for this option.

When booking through our own website, breakfast is included. Breakfast consists of fresh bread and treats from the Boulangerie, yogurt with fresh fruits, orange juice, scrambled eggs, homemade jam, and a coffee or tea of your choice. You can always add breakfast if you haven’t booked directly through our website. We accommodate dietary preferences and allergies upon request.

Parking in the area is available at a rate of €2.25 per hour. Paid parking applies every day from 09:00 to 23:00 o’clock. You can also park at a fixed rate in the parking garage at Velperpoort station (5 minutes walking distance). The rate here is €1.95 per hour with a maximum of €10.95 per day. Finally, you can park for free on Thorbeckestraat. Note that the first parking spots are paid. Thorbeckestraat is a 10-minute walk away from the hotel.

Our suites are located around a courtyard accessible only to our hotel guests. You can safely store your bicycle there during your stay.